Friday 18 December 2009

Thursday 17 December 2009

Sunday 13 December 2009

Analasis of Kerrang! Article

This is an article about Jared Leto, guitar and lead vocals for the band 30 Seconds To Mars , the article is about the songs that have inspired him in his life and hoe they inpired him into a music career. The image again is a close-up and is lookiing on a side towards the reader.

The heading "The songs that changed my life" could mean that these songs influenced him into taking a career in music, the article itself is different from most others as it takes about what made him the well known music icon he is today, whereas other music articles are all about the bands in the present time and what is expected in the futur. This is about his past and his secret love in music. This would help the audience to understand him more and what his childhood was like.

The article is set out in the same way as other articles apart from all the articles are all related to each other, for example all the songs he loved as a child.

Analasis of NME Article

This is an article from the magazine NME. The article is about Greenday who are a well known band throughout the world. There is only one image in this article and it is a close-up image of the band, the shoulders of the band members are cut of by the heading " Is this greenday's new album". This breaks the conventions of music magazine as if the image is a close-up you should be able to see both the head and the shoulders, however because this breaks conventions it means that the key points of the image is the heads of the band members.

The heading " Is this greenday's new album" could mean that it is asking the reader and then the reader has an opinion on whether they think it should or not. Again the article is split up into sections for the reader to read, these sections all tell different stories about the band, for example. Recent gigs, new albums/songs or band history.

There is also an advert in the article for foxbore hottubs, a band that has just brought out a new single, this is advertised so the reader will become interested and buy the single by the other band.

Analasis of Vibe Article

This is an article from the magzaine Vibe. The articles only has one image which is a medium close-up. The image looks to be pointing at the reader and could send the message that the article is only for the reader. The text looks to be in front of one of the the person wearing the hat and works its way around the person pointing, this could mean that he is the key point of the article and he is the most important thing.

The article set out into sections with each section telling a different story related to the topic. At the bottom right of the picture it says "What you lookin' at?" as if it asking the reader and the action of the pointing goes with this. It gives the impression that the emotions and feelings he has are being aimed at the reader. This could give a number of impressions to the reader.

The heading of this article is " BOBBITO plays the tracks, BLACK ROB states the facts" is what the articles about, two people talking about there past and explaining what happened and why. This would help the reader to understand why things happened if they where unclear to them before.

Analasis of Q Contents Page

This is the contents page for Q magazine, unlike Kerrang! and NME magazines this contents page only has one image. This image is what the main story of the magazine is about. Also in stead of having all the features and cover stories under different sub-headings, in Q magazine they are under the same one. This makes it easier for the reader to see the articles and chose one to read.

The main image on the contents page is a close-up (head and shoulder shot) of James Blunt a solo artist singer. The main story is based on an article about him, a recent gig or life story for example.

The other articles in the magazine are mainly stories about bands and artists instead of information about them, this makes the magazine more like a book of each artist rather then short pieces of information. these stories are usually about the past or how bands and artists started off there careers in music.

Analasis of Kerrang! Contents Page

This is the contents page for an issue of Kerrang! magazine. This contents page has more images of the bands featured rather then just the names, although it features less bands then NME magazine, it will give more information about the bands because it features less. The magazine contents page is set out in a different way as the articles are not just written they have images with them, so if a reader does not know the name of the band that is featured he/she Can look at the picture and judge whether or not they will be interested in them.

Again in this magazine there are cover stories located on the right hand side of the contents page. There are more features in this magazine then in NME. The features are; Feedback, News, Live Reviews, Features, K! Icons (Kerrang! Icons), Album Reviews, Gigs, Swag and Famous Last Words. All of these cover stories/articles have stories within that specific topic and it gives a brief description as to what is in that topic.

It is likely that when a make my contents page i will set it out in a similar way to this.

Analasis of NME Contents Page

This is the contents page for an issue of NME magazine. A good contents page has to be well presented, well organised, helpful and full of information. This contents page meets these targets as it gives a lot of information but is still well presented and tidy. The contents page has key features that are vital to its sauces. It separates each article into sections, for example. News, Radar, Reviews, Live and Features. This helps the reader to understand all the articles and chose which one he/she is interested in.

There is also a band index, this is a list of all the bands that this issue will feature, this is located on the left hand side of the page. The information about these bands could be about gigs or new albums, although the contents page has a big band index, it does not give any information about the bands featured in the list, it is just a listing of bands and artists.

There is always a main article on the contents page which is the main story in the magazine, it often gives a little bit of information about the story but not much, this could influence the reader to read the short article and then want to read the rest which is in the magazine.

Adverts are very popular in magazines as it is an easy way to advertise product as millions of people buy magazines every day, there is usually an advert on the contents page as there is here. the advert can be related to anything but is usually related to the genre of magazine, e.g advertising tickets to a gig or merchandise for a band.

Friday 11 December 2009

Analasis of Vibe

This is a magazine cover for Vibe, This magazine appears to be more chilled out then NME and Kerrang! as the main image would suggest, the main image is a picture R&B singer Chris Brown. The genre of this magazine is R&B and Rap music and is that is the audience that it is aimed at. The Masthead is big and runs across the top of the cover, although the Main Image covers half of the Masthead we still know that the magazine is VIBE because of the font and the way it is set out.

The magazine front cover has one Main story and also ask questions on the topics instead of using punch lines. This could influence potential customers to buy the magazine to read the topics that are on the cover.

Analasis of NME

This is the cover for the magazine NME, this has much more on the front cover then Kerrang! The front cover has more stories and articles pact into one cover, it seems smaller but more attractive as there is more to see, The main image cuts through the masthead without cutting out the words.

Again all the sub-headings and cover stories are clear and snappy influencing the audience to buy and read the magazine. This magazine has a main story and two cover stories on the front cover, this gives the audience an idea as to what these stories are based on, e.g a band or concerts/gigs that are coming up.

The main image in this magazine is an image of a member of the band Greenday, which is a rock genre band. people would buy this issue of the magazine because Greenday are well known all over the world, when i create my magazine i will have to make the main image stand out from others if it is to catch the eye of my intended audience.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Analasis of Kerrang!

This is an article of the Kerrang! magazine, as you can see the main image is of 30 Seconds To Mars, which is a rock band. the close-up images is of the three members of the band. The main image slightly goes over the masthead, but we all know that the magazine Kerrang!

All the sub-headings and cover stories are clear and snappy influencing the audience to buy and read the magazine.The magazine has a main story and three cover stories on the front cover, it gives brief explanations as to what these stories are based on, e.g a specific band or solo artist.

when making my front cover i will have to research into the type of story or topics my target audience will be interested in.

Convnetions of Music Magazine

Music magazines can attract a wide range of audiences just by the genre of the music it is based on.

Some of the most popular music magazines in the UK are Kerrang!, NME and Q magazine. These magazines are all mainly based on the Rock genre.
Music magazines are mainly aimed at teenagers from the age range of 16 - 25, this is because teenagers enjoy music and are influenced by it.

There are many differences between Music magazines and other magazines in general.
The most noticeable are probably the Mastheads and the Colour schemes.
Also the sub-headings are music based and related to singers, this is so the audience knows who or what the certain article of magazine will be about.

The language used in music magazines is mainly informal, words are sometimes shortened and punctuation is missed out. The mastheads are clear and the sub-headings appeal to the reader and the intended audience.

The Main Image is often used to grab the audiences attention and to show what the main feature of the issue of magazine. The Cover Line is related to the Main Image so the reader knows if the artcials are related to the band/artist on the cover.

Monday 30 November 2009

LIIAR Music Magazine

Language: The language is relevant to the intended audience, or who the magazine is going to appeal to. The masthead has to be relevant to the reader, like the ,magazine "Kerrang" is extremely relevant to the genre of music that the intended audience like, rock and heavy metal music. The language also has to be relevant to the genre of the magazine. The language on the cover has to be appealing to all readers and new customers to promote it.

Institution: The institution is the company that owns the magazine development company, e.g the company that owns N.M.E or Kerrang.

Ideology: The ideology of a music magazine are the values. For "Kerrang" the values are rock/heavy metal music, bands, concerts etc. When making my magazine i will have to research ideology for the genre of my music magazine, and the audience it is aimed at.

Audience: The audience is very important, as this is who you will be selling your magazine to, who it will be aimed at. Without an audience the magazine will not sell. The cover of the magazine has to be presented in a way to attract the audience. the Images, language and layout are all key to attracting the right audience for your magazine.

Representation: Representation is shown throughout media in many ways. Everything that is represented by something, a way it works, or something it does. In a music magazine, music is portrayed as an essential part of life, or something that is shown around the world in many genres. When making my magazine i will have to researh how I am going to represent it in order to attract my intended audience.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

The Breif

Priliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph o a student in medium close-up plus appropriatly liad-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout connects page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.

Main Task: the fornt page and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images the text used must be origonal, produced by you - minimum of four images.Presentation Of Work: The

Presentation of the reseacrh, planning and evaluationmay take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:- A presentation using slideshow softwaresuch as Powerpoint;-

A blog

A podcast

Sunday 1 November 2009

Conventions of T.V Drama

Conventions of T.V. Drama

In this essay I am going to evaluate the conventions of T.V drama and how they are used in a wide range of T.V dramas. I am going to use Eastenders and Coronation Street as my examples.


Characters in a British TV drama such Eastenders usually have a conventional cast that has a Villain or criminal, in Eastenders for example, the villain would be Den Watts or the violent, wife-beating, Trevor Morgan. TV dramas usually also have couples with complicated dramatic relationships, these complex and realistic issues and relationships add to the verisimilitude (true or similar to real life). T.V dramas also have characters with attitude or mental problems like Stacey and sympathetic characters such as Vicky. The characters shown in T.V dramas are all stereotypes of real life situations which are egsadurated. In Eastenders the character of Danielle is blonde and therefore is portrayed as being stupid because the public believe that blondes only have looks and are not very smart. There are many stereotypes in Eastenders that are true to life and are what the public believe in. These characters are usually represented in an over simplified way so that they represent values and stereotypes.

The characters in Coronation street can all relate to those in Eastenders because they all have to deal with the same or similar every day life problems as in Eastenders. An example of this would be Ken Barlow, he has been in Coronation Street since it first came to air. He has dealt with many every day life issues and problems throughout the years. He has been married three times, twice widowed and once divorced. These are some every day problems that some people in reality have to deal with. Another example would be Roy Cropper, he married the first transsexual in British television; Hayley Cropper (Harold Patterson) although this is not as common as marriage and divorce it is still a problem to some people in reality.


TV dramas all have a multi – stranded narrative. This means that it will show the audience part of a story then switches to another story and then these stories interlink with each other. These stories usually represent dilemmas or issues faced by people in real life. TV dramas use verisimilitude to link in with the audience to show problems faced by people in real life such as family issue or the credit crunch. The narrative is usually represented through the use of dialogue, and is used to make the audience aware of other problems that are shown in the drama.

Both Eastenders and Coronation Street do this to build suspense and drama throughout the episode. Examples of this would be if a scene had violence in it, it is likely that the story will change half way through to a different one and then go back to the violence scene later in the episode.


Most TV dramas also have a Domestic Setting such as the Pub in Eastenders; this is where most of the drama and scenes are based. These locations are easily recognized by the audience of the show. The locations are based to be as true to life as possible so that it is believable for the audience for example in the pub there would be tables, chairs and bottles of wine and beer. In Eastenders the houses have ordinary objects in them that suggest that it is real. These objects could be tables, kitchens and cups/mugs.


The camera techniques and shots used in Eastenders are usually mainly Medium Long shots and medium close – ups. This is because all the dialogue and facial expressions would be harder to see if the camera shots where long shots, this helps the audience understand the emotions and feelings of the characters. At the beginning of each scene a long shot is used to establish the setting then a medium close-up is used to identify the characters and icons, then a close-up is used so the audience can see the facial expressions of the characters. Over the shoulder shots are often also used to film conversations so the audience can see what the character is looking at or who he/she is directly talking to. This also makes the audience feel as if it is them who is looking from the characters point of view.

The camera work in Coronation Street is similar to Eastenders apart from in Coronation Street there are more medium close-ups used as appose to close-ups. This is because although the facial expressions are not as clear to see, the audience can still identify the emotions of the characters. Also in a medium close-up the audience can see slightly more then a close-up (such as key props and icons) because close-ups only focus on the head of the characters.

Dialogue, sound and music

The dialogue and sound in TV drama are used to create a balance between verisimilitude and drama. In Eastenders all of the sound is non – diagetic there is no background music this lets the audience hear everything in the scene without being distracted by background music.
In Coronation Street however there is some background music involved, it does not distract the audience from the main points of the scene but it does add to the verisimilitude because if the scene is in the pub then it is likely that there will be background music. This is because it is important to show the audience that it is reality or similar to it.


The icons within the mise – en – scene are shown as it is so the audience can identify what the following scene is going to be about such as; The Rovers pub, this shows the audience that the scene will be based in the pub, with background music, alcohol and social conversations will be involved in the scene.

Other icons could be characters, this is because if a character has starred in a soap for a long period of time then he is recognized by the public as a character of the soap. For example ken Barlow is an icon of Coronation Street.

Friday 23 October 2009


For this task i was asked to develop a cover and contents page for my own college magazine. I had to do research8 into the conventions of a college magazine and then analyse other college magazines to get the idea of who to set mine out.

When i was researching magazines many of the magazines where similar as they all described what college the college was like and what it had to offer. This meant that i had to describe the college as best as possible to make a good magazine. When I had a rough idea of what I wanted my magazine to be I had to apply the conventions used on magazines that are sold nationwide to make it seem more professional.

For my magazine, I designed to design it for my college, "Wyke". I also used the usual conventions for my cover such as a masthead, cover line, cover image, main article. I discovered the conventions through my research. I compared college magazines, and compared commercial magazines to college magazines to see how my magazine would compare to them.

Every magazine has some sort of photograph on the cover, this photograph usually has some sort of reference to the main story contained within the magazine. Also all the magazines I have researched have the inside stories mentioned on the cover. These stories are used to draw the reader in, they give an idea of what will be included in the magazine.

For my work I created a Blog to present it, this also made it easy for me to work on my project from home, and anywhere in the college. On this I uploaded all of my work, my research and my plans.

In my final piece i used three images and a main backgroung image. This gave the magazine alot of variaty in terms of stories. i have three stories on the cover which briefly describe the magazine.

I aimed my magazine at college students and teachers. I chose this audience because they are the main people you will find at a college. Also it is likely that the only people the magazine will appeal to is college students. The text, masthead, images and stories have to be appropriate and appealing to the audience for the magazine to sell.

I think that my magazine would be appeal to students from the age of sixteen to nineteen as that is the age of most college students. I am happy with the way my magazine cover has turned out but if i was to do it again i nwould change the stories and the way it is presentesd. i wo9uld also make it appealing to a wider age group such as teachers as well as college students.

My magazines main story is about bonfire night and that "wyke" is doing a display of fireworks, this would help promote the college as well as my magazine. there are to other stories that support the main story to help promte my magazine.

College magazine analysis

This is a typical college magazine. it has a title, five inside stories, a main picture and a issue number and barecode.The title is in a bold, block red colour this stands out because of the blurry trees in the background. It has Five stories that would be found inside this magazine are mentioned on this cover so the readers have a rough idea of what the articles may contain.The main picture is of a female college student, the fact that she is smiling portrays the college as a happy place to be in. By using a photo of a student for the cover of the magazine would attract an audience of the same age group, college students.There is a barcode on this magazine, this shows that this magazine is sold and available to everybody. Many other college magazines are given to students and teachers for free mainly because if they were sold there would not be very many buyers. tle isnot be very many buyers. there would not be very many buyers.

College Magazine Analasis

This is a typical college magazine.It consists of a title, five inside stories, a main picture and a barcode.The title is in a bold font and in block red colour this stands out because it is contrasted with the blurry trees in the background.Five stories that would be found inside this magazine are mentioned on this cover so the readers have a rough idea of what this article may contain.The main picture is of a female college student, the fact that she is smiling represents that this college is a friendly place to be in. By using a photo of a student for the cover of the magazine would attract an audience of the opposit sex.There is a barcode on this magazine, this shows that this magazine is sold and available to everybody. Many other college magazines are given to students and teachers for free mainly because if they were sold there would not be very many buyers.

Contents page mock up

Thursday 22 October 2009


Conventions of a college magazine.

Language: The language is relevant to the intended audience, or who the magazine is going to appeal to. The masthead has to be relevant to the reader, like the magazine "Secondary Teachers" is extremely relevant to the job of the intended reader, a secondary school teacher. The language also has to be relevant to the genre of the magazine. The language on the cover has to be appealing to all readers and new customers to promote it.

Institution: Unknown.

Ideology: The ideology of a college magazine are the values. For "secondary teachers" the values are teaching and education. When making my magazine i will have to research ideology for the genre of my college magazine, and the audience it is aimed at.

Audience: The audience is very important, as this is who you will be selling your magazine to, who it will be aimed at. Without an audience the magazine will not sell. The cover of the magazine has to be presented in a way to attract the audience. the Images, language and layout are all key to attracting the right audience for your magazine.

Representation: Representation is shown throughout media in many ways. Everything that is represented by something, a way it works, or something it does. In a college magazine, students will be portrayed as good hard working students. Not bad behaving students.

Monday 28 September 2009

1. The masterhead
3. Date
4. Wesite (URL Adress)

The brief

preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front pageof a new school/colege magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to drmostrate thier grasp of DTP

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new magazine. all images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.

Presentation of your work: the presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, comination of two or more, of the following:

a prsentation using slideshow software such as a powerpiont;

a blog

a podcast;